The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

How could our acknowledged "Cow College" became a bona fide university in, seemingly, only about four years? Four war years? What happened? Who made such happen? How extraordinary these never previously experienced events were in their impact? The answer is your own; here are some clues, from a graduate of the very first "University Class," in June, 1949, exactly 60 years ago. Now, for some reason, our first university graduates received no day/date on our diplomas! Just "June, 1949". Do you suppose they feared rain? A big picnic? Or a fight? But we had lived through every conceivable emotion! The knock on the door: is my father/brother/friend down the street, missing in action or dead? Kids who had never been away from home, overnight, rushed in town with "flyboys", 22-year old Army Air Force Officers, who'd boast of dropping 10,000-proud bombs on Dresden and Cologne. A mall that looked like the U.N., but the U.N. was just being born, as your writer aided her political science professor to pack for the San Francisco Conference, from which the United Nations was born. (But couldn't attend because she was "just a girl"?)